thomas merton...

...Once described the look on dead Trappist monks as one of "grim satisfaction". Now, I'm not saying we've reached that point (everybody is very much alive and well, for one thing) and maybe it's just me, but by the end of today, trying to get that first coat of stucco on and the roof sealed tight, things were leaning a bit toward grim, if satisfying side.

Of course, by the time dinner came around (taco and burrito night - yea!), everybody was back to their usual cackling selves. Hard to be down surrounded by 40+ cheerful teens.

That said, I could really use a margarita or two right about now.

Tomorrow, we finish up and hand over the keys to the families.



Praying for successful, safe completion of the houses through God's grace and the deep determination in all of you.
Margarita's await back home.

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